What your Zoom meeting could be revealing about your prostate
The COVID-19 crisis has revolutionised the way many of us work and more than 75% of professionals believe that remote work is here to stay even after the pandemic.1
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Are pills the best solution for an enlarged prostate?
For more than 660 million men worldwide affected by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),1 a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate as men age...
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Slow urine stream? It could be an enlarged prostate
As you get older, the pace of life tends to slow down. And sometimes that’s OK. Maybe you take a little extra time in the morning to enjoy your cup of coffee or opt for the scenic route on your...
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5 signs you could be an extreme bathroom planner
Have you avoided events and activities you enjoy because of urgent and frequent trips to the bathroom? A recent survey sponsored by Teleflex Incorporated, of 1,000 men in the United States...